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2022 Festival

The first Cleveland Silent Film Festival took place February 13–20, 2022. An opening concert focused on the chamber music of Cleveland native and film music pioneer John Stepan Zamecnik (1872–1953) as well as his mentor, Antonín Dvořák, performed by members of the Cleveland Orchestra with Rodney Sauer, music director of the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra. The venue was downtown Cleveland’s historical Hermit Club, where Zamecnik began his musical theater career.

The week’s cinematic highlights included Buster Keaton in Steamboat Bill, Jr., Erich von Stroheim in The Wedding March, and F.W. Murnau’s classic Sunrise, all accompanied by the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra. Festivities also included a performance by Oberlin students accompanying silent film scenes as well as a screening of the academy award-winning Wings with Zamecnik’s original score.

View the 2022 Festival program

“The near-capacity audience, enthralled with Keaton’s comedic facial expressions and acrobatic ability as well with the ensemble’s adroit musicianship, responded with a standing ovation. On a personal note, I have never enjoyed going to a movie this much.”
— Mike Telin,

Closing Night: Sunrise with the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra

The Students Rehearsing the Score

September 6

2023 Festival